We all know it’s key for any marketing or fundraising campaign to reach the right audience with your message. Add to this mix that resources are limited in today’s climate of inflation. Your first step to running an effective and efficient campaign is ensuring you have the right data. Our experts will share best practices, and take you step-by-step through data hygiene strategies to help maximize data quality and improve the effectiveness of direct marketing data.
You’ll also learn about ANA’s data hygiene management and compliance tools to assist you in respecting consumer marketing preferences, helping the environment, and improving your bottom line by saving money.
Key Takeaways:
- Data Quality & Hygiene – Address Quality/Validity, Deliverability, Duplicate Identification, Suppression;
- Enhancements & Appends – Demographic Appends/Segmentation, Phone/Cell/Email Append;
- List Sourcing – List Types (Compiled vs Response), Targeting/Profiling;
- ANA Resources – Best Practices and Data Hygiene Tools.
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