Introduction to Online Entrepreneurship, A Webinar-Based Training Module

The Introduction to Online Entrepreneurship module represents a part of the curriculum on employability developed in the frame of the project “Promoting Webinar-Based Youth Non-Formal Education in Southeast Europe – Part II,” supported by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union and implemented by Development Solutions (DeSo) from North Macedonia, the Foundation “Forty-Two” from Bulgaria, and Creative Thinking Development (CRE.THI.DEV) from Greece. 

The aim of the module is to facilitate development and organization of trainings using webinar technologies. Webinars are one of the latest trends in online distance education and training. They provide both educators and learners with flexibility and synchronous interaction, bridging the key shortcomings of distance education. Webinar-based education and training is highly efficient and inclusive of different groups of learners, who face obstacles to attend “traditional” training and courses.

Introduction to Online Entrepreneurship